Monday 26 January 2015

Microsoft All Set For Tech Dominance With Windows 10 Release

Following its announcement of skipping Windows 9 and jumping directly to Windows 10, Microsoft is gearing up into reclaiming its seat as the biggest tech company in the world with a series of new releases and very interesting updates.

First of these many update is Microsoft's decision to offer the new Windows 10 as a free update rather than release it as a stand-alone software Unfortunately, this option is only available for the first year and will be offered only to users who are currently running their devices on the Windows 7, Windows 8.1 platform for PC and Windows 8.1 OS for Windows phone, according to The Inside Review. Consumers who do own a previous copy of the Windows operating system will have to purchase Windows 10.

Many critics applauded Microsoft's decision, citing the possibility that Microsoft might be entering a whole new phase and might even consider entering the open-software market.

Microsoft All Set For Tech Dominance With Windows 10 Release
Another groundbreaking update is Microsoft's decision to use a single operating system to all supported devices, something that Apple and Google implemented on their own brands and devices. The terms "Windows Phone OS" along with "Windows RT" will now be a thing of the past.

Microsoft will finally put its once dominant Internet Explorer browser to rest and in return replace it with Spartan, the new internet browser integrated with an upgraded version of Cortana.

"Cortana" is an intelligent personal assistant developed by Microsoft and is based on the popular video game "Halo." It was released on the Windows Phone platform and closely resembles "Siri" which is developed by Apple.

Microsoft also plans to release universal app for all devices that runs on the Windows 10 platform.

Lastly, the Xbox application will be integrated with all Windows10 devices, according to Firspost. This will allow gamers to access their Xbox games through the PC version of the Windows 10.

Additional reports also say that Windows 10 will be available on the console platform through the Xbox One.

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